Monday, March 8, 2010

How Toxic are Oil Paints to Paint With? Oil Paint Safety Tips.

I get asked all of the time how toxic are oil paints?  All paints including watercolor, acrylic and oil paints contain toxic substances.  Cadmium paint (red, yellow) is a mineral that is toxic and in all of these paints.  It is the deep rich color you use when you paint. 

Toxic in paints can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, and inhaled.  Keeping this in mind you can paint safely.  Safety tips:

• Never eat while painting.

• Never put your paintbrush in or around your mouth.

• Use a drop cloth.

• Always wear gloves so you do not absorb the paint.

• Wash your hands after painting..

• Wash brushes in Mineral Spirits not in a sink that way the pigments do not end up down the drain.

• Wear a large shirt over your clothes to avoid contact with the paint.

• Remove wet paint from your skin by first wiping it off with a dry towel, then wash with soap and water.

• Try not to handle solvent and paint covered rags with your bare hands.

• Cadmium paint (red, yellow) is a mineral that is toxic. It is toxic in Oil Paint, Watercolor and Acrylic as well.

• The paint quality is related to light testing verses the toxicity levels in paint.

Keep in mind that it is possible to be safe with paint but you have to think about your own safety.  Once these become habits while you paint the better you will be.

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