Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oil Painting a Day pros and cons.... any answers?

As I get into "Oil Painting a Day" movement I find that there are some personal issues I am working out in this theory. I am trying to take a step back from painting to view my Oil Painting a Day painting from a new perspective. Sometimes when we are so deep into a project we can not see the results so I am now trying to view how I am doing in this new movement.

What is Oil Painting a Day you ask? The Oil Painting a Day is just that painting an original oil painting and finishing it in a day and then posting it to sell on eBay and blogging about it. The movement allows five to seven small original oil paintings to be produced every week. As I have been painting in this manner I feel the paint is easier to work with and flows better. I know that is because I am forcing myself into the studio to paint. I am also forcing myself to solve problems faster as I go along. This all comes down to the old equation that more time I am painting the better and easier it is. I also find if I am not careful I run into problems of QUALITY.

Problems of quality what is that you ask? It is the fact that by pushing to finish a piece of artwork it can lack the feeling of many layers, quality lines, and clear images as well as composition issues. I find that by doing these mini pieces of artwork I can end up rushing and I miss what makes my work the quality it is. I am concerned that the pieces with my signature on them are not as high quality as they could be if I took a little more time and relaxed and let the painting work itself out.

Now Painting a Day is still fantastic in my mind. My artwork improves with pushing it to new levels. I know I just need to be aware that those new levels and new paintings still have my personal signature quality, depth and each painting still has character. I also know that if I rush it too much and push the painting too much I will end up an impatient artist (which reminds me of myself in high school and I am not saying how many years ago or lifetimes ago that was!)

I think that Oil Painting a Day movement is great but I also think we as the artists need to take a look at what we are producing. It is just building up mass or a push to finish a painting to get it done or is it done right? I will still be an Oil Painting a Day artist. I have always had the ability to paint quickly and get my feelings down on the canvas. I am now aware on quality control and I am going to make sure that each painting I sign has my highest quality I can put on it!

For more of my work check out!

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