Friday, May 8, 2009

Round 3: Best to paint in studio verses outside / en plein air? Who will win this round????

Is an artist a better artist if they paint in the studio or paint outside en plein air?

This is really the question of the ages. The old masters used to only paint in the studio adding thin layers of wash on the top of paintings then came along the rebels or the impressionistic painters and they took their paints outside and painted from what they saw. At this time colors went from browns, tans, creams to more clear colors of yellows, blues, oranges, reds and greens.

I could go on for days about the differences between these two movements but that is not the point of this round. The true questions: is it really better to paint inside or outside?

Inside the studio:
Painting inside has advantages because all of the tools, paints, canvas, lights, brushes are already set up and ready to go. At any time in the day or at night I can go into the studio and paint. The lighting used to be a problem but now with full spectrum lights that changes things and I get truer colors. We can set up props to paint and have them that way for a long time. The one thing is that you are inside and sometimes the creativity and the paintings seem to be stiffer. Scientifically it is hard to put a weight on creativity and fluid paintings and the feeling of the painting. As an artist I know these elements are crucial in making fantastic paintings. The colors can turn out quite nicely but it always seems to be better outside. The fumes are stronger even with fantastic ventilation.

Outside the studio:
Painting outside has the advantage that you are outside! Outside of the craziness of the studio and art office. You are listening to the birds, the dogs bark in the background, the feel of the breeze on your skin. It is a clearer place to paint. The colors seem a little clearer the subjects a little brighter. The fumes are less and the feeling is more. This has the problem of time. Time is of the essence outside. The time in picking up the brush and making a painting with the right light because that is always changing. Solving what is going on the canvas is harder because there is less time. Even with photographing what is seen and then going into the studio that changes the painting.

I really think does it make for a fantastic painting outside verses inside I really have had great results in both places. Does it make a better artist? Not really just different.

Inside: 1 point for organization of supplies, 1 point for being easy to do, 1 point for setting up props for a long time, 1 point for being able to paint any time of day or night, 1 point in consistent lighting.

Outside: 1 point for getting out of the craziness, 1 point for clearing your head, 1 point for the outdoor things such as wind, noises, smells, 1 point for less fumes, 1 point for colors being clearer, 1 point for the subjects being brighter.

So for this round inside gets 5 points and outside gets 6 points. It is close but the outside wins!

Keep in mind however a great painter can make great artwork inside or outside a studio! If one artist would rather paint in one place than another that artist can still produce great work.

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